Falling Off (and Getting Back On) the Wellness Wagon

By GR Nov 29

Let’s face it: falling off the wellness wagon happens to the best of us. Life has a way of throwing a party (or a holiday) in your path just when you’re crushing your fitness goals. The trick? Don’t let it derail your journey. Stumble, sure, but then pick yourself up, detox like a champ, and keep moving forward.

This lesson hit me hard recently, thanks to my favorite holidays starting with masquerading for Halloween, which became a week-long marathon. Then, the Tyson - Jake Paul fight, which reunited me to some very outgoing friends. And, now Thanksgiving.

But before we get into that, let me set the stage.

My Wellness Journey: Before the Crash

For months, I’d been on a roll improving my health. My focus was on fixing my diet, getting more sleep, embracing new routines around mental wellness, more exercise, and a mix of new supplements. I was crushing it: 163 pounds (my ideal weight), 18% body fat, and LDL and HDL levels so good they could have been featured in a pharmaceutical ad. I was feeling strong, balanced, and in control.

Then Halloween happened.

When Halloween Turns Into a Horror Story

Last year, I skipped Halloween to spend time in New York with my (now ex) girlfriend. This year? I went all in. Dressed as an Incan warrior—a nod to my ayahuasca ceremony in Peru—I was ready to celebrate. Except for one tiny detail: my face paint didn’t go quite as planned. Let’s just say the “warrior” vibe was overshadowed by a bright red nose that made me look like a festive Rudolph.

Face-paint fails aside, I embraced the Halloween madness. Thursday night? Too many drinks and a very late bedtime. Friday morning? Up early for a client call, looking and feeling like I’d been through a battle (spoiler: I lost). Saturday night? Back out again because, in Miami, Halloween isn’t a day—it’s an endurance sport.

By the end of the week, my body was screaming for mercy.

The Aftermath: A Tale of Cholesterol and Chaos

In just two weeks, my carefully built wellness foundation crumbled. I caught a cold, struggled to sleep, and felt bloated and sluggish. My weight crept up by five pounds, and my cholesterol levels went haywire—LDL (the bad one) skyrocketed, while HDL (the good one) plummeted.

This is no joke as I worked hard for almost a year to bring my cholesterol to balance. The last time I was in great cholesterol “shape” was when I did Keto for a couple of months. Now that the holidays are starting, I think I’ll take this approach to eating. But, it’s sooo difficult to say no to cakes, pies, and great home cooking during the holidays. 

And my testosterone? Let’s just say it wasn’t feeling very manly. A few months ago, it was soaring above 900. After my Halloween binge, it tanked. As we age, bouncing back from these kinds of indulgences takes time—longer than I’d like to admit.

Detox, Cleanse, Repeat

When I fall off the wellness wagon, my first order of business is to detox, cleanse, and purge. Here’s my go-to recovery plan:

  1. Pro and Prebiotics: I go big on gut health, including natural laxatives like prunes to give my system a much-needed reset.

  2. Immune Boosters: Vitamin C, magnesium, calcium—you name it, I’m taking it.

  3. Hydration: Lots of water and fluids to flush out the toxins (and, let’s be real, the Halloween cocktails).

  4. Gentle Movement: Easing back into exercise helps me feel human again without overdoing it.

It’s not glamorous, but it works.

Surviving the Holidays (Without Losing Your Sanity)

If Halloween (and now Thanksgiving) taught me anything, it’s that the holidays are all about balance. Here’s my strategy:

  • Plan Ahead: If I know Thanksgiving is going to be a feast, I take it easy the day before and after. One indulgent day doesn’t have to turn into a slippery slope. The day before Thanksgiving I had a light dinner and was in bed by 11:30pm, which is a little later than usual, but I went to a new restaurant opening.

  • Time Your Drinks: The longer I wait to have my first alcoholic drink at an event or party, the less I end up consuming overall (usually). This works for me almost every time.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to when you’re full, and don’t treat every holiday event like an eating competition. The trick is to eat and drink slowly so your body (and brain) have time to adjust. Then, reassess if you’re still hungry or need another drink. Plus, drink a lot of water, both still and sparkling to fill you up in a healthy way.

It’s all about moderation—except when it comes to desserts. Let’s be honest, pumpkin pie is non-negotiable.

Progress Isn’t Perfect (And That’s Okay)

By the end of November, I was back on track. I dropped the extra pounds, shook off my cold, and started sleeping better. But as the holiday season ramps up, I know there will be more challenges ahead. The difference this time? I’m not striving for perfection. Instead, I’m aiming for control, balance, and a whole lot of grace.

Yes, my journey looks more like a zigzag than a straight line, but that’s life. With each stumble, I’ve learned to pick myself up, reflect, and keep moving forward. I’m healthier, calmer, and happier than I’ve been in a long time—and if that’s not progress, I don’t know what is.

The Real Story Behind the Instagram Post

We like to share our wins, but not our losses. So, here’s the truth: this year has been full of both. The key is to keep showing up for yourself, even when it’s hard, even when your face paint is a disaster, and even when the wellness wagon feels miles away.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not about how many times you fall off—it’s about how many times you climb back on.


Miami Wellness: Finding Zen (and a Little Sass) in the Magic City